We offer flat shipping rate for all orders in accordance with country belongings to one of the countries' zone lines and parcel weight. 

1st line - United States, New Zealand, Russia.

2nd line - Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Norway, United Kingdom

3rd line - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey

4th line - rest of the world


Free Shipping eligible for orders over $75 for lines from 1st to 3rd, for orders over $100 for line 4.


 Effective Shipping Rate, usd


 Estimated Delivery Time

1st line - 7-21 days

2nd, 3rd lines - 7-25 days 

4th line - 15-28 days.


Guaranteed Delivery Time - 60 days. If your parcel does not deliver in this period, you can request a full refund.